Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mini OMG

In some respects it's been a busy day or so. Had my interview with the "multinational TV broadcaster" yesterday, that was a day job thing, not a writing thing. Apparently they really liked me and would like to employ me ... in two weeks to a month (maybe more).


The job is excellent and I'd love to do it. So I suggested to the agency I'd be happy to be paid a retainer if they really want me that much. Money for nothing (and chicks for free?)

Another job has surfaced today but very few details as yet, we'll see. Since the TV company thought I was wonderful and perfect, I can only assume I completely messed up the interview on Friday. Must have said the wrong thing somewhere.

Anyway what about the Mini OMG? Can't say very much because there's not a lot to say but "Monsters" is going to be put in the hands of a couple of TV people who have important things to do with major TV series.

That's it. Just got excited again.

As I'm not working on a contract currently I've been doing more research for Unit X - and I hate my rubbish internet. The research should have taken about half an hour, it ended up taking at least 4 hours because my connection just freezes, 90% of the time.

But I got it done, I needed some appropriate 1940s German names, a location to put a headquarters in Germany, and some additional information about how to send in a raiding party then get them out.

That done I started writing again and have managed some nice scenes (well, they look okay at the moment). I think most of the research is done now so I won't dry up again.

I have been thinking about my personal writing process in respect to the flow of scene to scene, and scene sequences. Off the top of my head I think the rule about scenes (get in late, get out early) applies to sequences just as much, and also to the entire script.

One thing I do, since I see the scenes playing out in my head, is note the transitions. I think "is this the point to switch to the next sequence?", or "have I finished this bit?" If the answer is yes I flip to the next sequence, but hopefully at an interesting moment.

In theory the end result is that the viewer is kept pleasantly on the edge of their seats. I wonder if it works?

What's on the turntable? "Tourniquet" by Evanescence from "Fallen"

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