Sunday, November 23, 2008

The DVD Meme

I visit your house/apartment, and you spot me looking at your DVD/VHS shelf.

1. What's on there that you instantly force me to borrow, because it's a great movie and you figure I haven't seen it?

"Casablanca" not enough people have seen this film.

2. What you do also lend me, because even though it's not considered a classic, it's a personal favourite?

"Undercover Blues" Dennis Quaid and Kathleen Turner as spies on holiday with Tom Arnold and Stan Tucci, what's not to like?

3. What movie is on there that you have no rational explanation for owning, and which you try to slide under the couch while I'm distracted?

"Miss Congeniality #2". I love Sandra Bullock. But this is a monstrosity. Actually I don't even own it, but that's only because I discovered it was rubbish just in time.

(Hm, not a SF/F among them. Curious.)

What's on the turntable? All very quiet.

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