Then again, you may not. Is it because I need to get the digital pictures developed first? Strangely, no. It's because I can only think about one thing at a time, being male, and when I'm writing my day report I just can't think about incorporating pictures.
On his left from our viewpoint is James Moran, writer of Severance and of Spooks, Dr Who and Torchwood episodes. While on his right is someone who's name I forget but he was a very nice chap. The table is littered with lunch.
Why is no one talking to him? Because they're too embarrassed because he's just so big, and tall as well. It's difficult being famous.
The red-head just right of centre is Joanne Leigh, winner of the Red Planet competition 2007.
Most, like me, would not really have known anyone else and came, heart in hand, in the hope of meeting like-minded folks, the chance to learn some things about their trade and perhaps even make contact with a producer interested in their work. At the very least, you will make friends.
What's on the turntable? "White Man" by Queen from "A Day at the Races"
Hello! The other chap is David Lemon, writer of Faintheart. I know that because I once did a Taps course with him, not because I'm a stalker. Although it would be cool being a stalker.
Oh yes that's right. A very nice chap.
Hey, that's me in the top picture (standing behind James Moran). I'm wearing the red shirt - Trudie Shutler. I was a runner at the festival and may even have ended up at a party with you guys in Piers Beckleys room (didn't stay though, too much free wine at the wrap party beforehand),
Ah, bless you for the 'nice chap' descriptionn- much nicer than stumbling upon 'blithering arse' or something like that.
Wish I'd chatted and mingled more but was a bit nervous about giving my talk in case fellow writers got wind that I really didn't know what I was talking about.
I also couldn't stay the last night so missed out on the rock and roll trashing mini-bars end of things.
BTW would 'Potdoll' be a fellow attendee of the TAPS Bill course or the one I first developed 'Faintheart' on...?
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