Saturday, July 04, 2009

Resumption of Normal Service

Aha! Google appear to have fixed the Blogger bug so now I can post blogs without all the Word shenanigans. Huzzah!

Had my meeting with the producer today. It seemed to go well though it wasn't quite what I thought it was - I imagined we were going for a web series, but no, it's a TV series, however it's all spec and no-pay collaboration. Turning his ideas into solid script - but I'm allowed to have my own ideas too. I shall have to think of a code word to describe this project.

However there was plenty of discussion of other projects both mine and his. I swapped my leave-behinds for his take-aways so we'll both be having a read.

Nice chap - very young* - but enthusiastic. His (and his business partner's) company have done a bunch of shorts that have done well and they even received money for one of them. (Wow.) So they're looking to take the next step.

As I've pretty much finished Tec I'll probably re-schedule things and see how it all comes out.

As my day job affects my writing I shall also mention that I have an interview for a job in Sheffield. Which means two things if I get it (the animal entrails bode well): (a) I'll be living at home; (b) commute time goes up again.

Both of these are damaging to my writing time as my wife pointed out - much as I would love to be at home more. On the other hand I'd be earning considerably more in the penny department, which we could really do with.

On balance Sheffield would be good. I'll need to buy a cute little eee pc to write on - my laptop is a heavy beast - and be much stricter with myself. But that can't be a bad thing.

Next blog will be a look back at how I'm doing on the year's writing goals and what the next six months may bring.

* In comparison to me.

What's on the turntable? "Awakening" by Gordon Giltrap from "Visionary" (I'm in Giltrap mode again - just can't stop listening to it.)

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