I'm sorry I've been away for so long. I have been very busy on all sorts of projects but everything has been in such a state of flux that, on the one hand, I didn't feel I had time to write a blog while on the other I wasn't sure I had anything worth saying.
But things are beginning to come together.
In my last post back in March, I ended by saying we had a new plan and that's what I've been working on. I will be going into detail about these things later but let's take an overview.
The big goal is to create a "platform" on which we could base another crowd-funding exercise to fund the making of The Lazarus Machine web-series. (That's actually not the biggest goal but it's the one we're concentrating on.)
To that end it became imperative to build interest in the Voidships universe. "Voidships" is the name of the steampunk universe that Chris Payne and I have created, and in which The Lazarus Machine takes place. Even before the crowd-funding I had written and planned other stories in this universe. And there's a website devoted to it here.
However getting those stories out into the real world - just getting to square one - has been something of a marathon. Well the first story has been published and there are more to come.
And, as I said, I'll be going into this in more detail over the next few weeks.
To be sure you don't miss anything, go to Voidships and add yourself to the mailing list so you stay up-to-date on everything and can take advantage of the free stuff that's coming (it's a proper mailing list and you can unsubscribe easily if you ever want to). Let me leave you with this:
What's on the turntable? "Your Gold Teeth II" by Steely Dan from "Katy Lied"